Why are museum workers leaving the field? — UPDATE

A few months back, some colleagues and I asked you for your thoughts about leaving the museum field. Over 1,000 of you responded! This update is a bit of a non-update (sorry!). We’re still processing the responses. In the meantime, here’s some of what we heard:   What advice would you give to the museum field to prevent more people… Read more →

Gender equality in museums now– A Manifesto

A Call for Gender Equity in the Museum Workplace Forty-three years ago a group of women gathered at the American Association of Museums annual meeting, now the Alliance, (AAM). Calling themselves the Women’s Caucus, they asked for numerous reforms to end gender-based discriminatory hiring and promotion practices in the museum profession. At the time, women held fewer than 16-percent of… Read more →

Where are you on the burnout scale?

Dr. David Posen (2013:111) diagrams the burnout process in his book Is Work Killing You? Where do you fall on it, fellow museum worker? Our colleague Paul Thistle tackles burnout and attempts to answer “Is There a “Decent Work” Deficit in Museums?” over on his blog Solving Task Saturation for Museum Workers ~ Help for fully loaded camels working in a rain… Read more →

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